Data format 3 (RAWv1)

Lifecycle: Deprecated

The data is decoded from "Manufacturer Specific Data" -field, for more details please check Bluetooth Advertisements section. Manufacturer ID is 0x0499, which gets sent as 0x9904. The actual data payload is:

Data field descriptions

Data Format

The first byte tells the receiver (ie. website) what kind of type of data the packet has.


Values supported: -127.99 °C to +127.99 °C in 0.01 °C increments.



Values supported: 0.0 % to 100 % in 0.5 % increments.


Atmospheric Pressure

Values supported: 50000 Pa to 115536 Pa in 1 Pa increments.



Values supported: -32000 to 32000 (mG), however the sensor on RuuviTag supports only 16 G max (2 G in default configuration). Values are 2-complement int16_t, MSB first. All channels are identical.


Battery voltage

Values supported: 0 mV to 65536 mV in 1 mV increments, practically 1800 ... 3600 mV.

Test vectors

These test vectors are based on ruuvitag-sensor project. There is no specific value for invalid/not available sensor readings, it is suggested to send 0 if value is not available. The tests are bidirectional, decode-encode results in original raw data. Encode-decode must result in same values with given precision, but floating point rounding differences may occur.

Case: valid data

Raw binary data: 0x03291A1ECE1EFC18F94202CA0B53

Case: maximum values

Raw binary data: 0x03FF7F63FFFF7FFF7FFF7FFFFFFF

Case: minimum values

Raw binary data: 0x0300FF6300008001800180010000

Last updated