Internal API
Internal API for Network Management
The Internal API consists of a set of endpoints designed to govern the Ruuvi Network, such as whitelisting and blacklisting devices and/or IP addresses.
Whitelists a set of gateways.
Name | Type | Description |
X-Internal-Secret | string | The secret to authenticate with the internal API |
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
object | JSON object containing a list of Gateway Mac Addresses and their corresponding Signing Secrets. |
Fetches info for the gateway
Query Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
gateway | string | Gateway Mac Address |
Name | Type | Description |
X-Internal-Secret | string | The secret to authenticate with the internal API |
Register a sensor to Cloud
This operation register a sensor with MAC address + secret to Cloud. The secret can be used to verify ownership of a sensor in case of a contested sensor.
Parameters are packed inside a JSON object, e.g. { "macAddress":"value", "secret":"value"}
Name | Type | Description |
X-Internal-Secret | String | The secret to authenticate with the internal API |
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
macAddress* | String | MAC address of sensor, 6 bytes. e.g. "AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF |
secret* | String | Secret of sensor, e.g. "DE:AD:BE:EF:00:11:22:33 |
Register a subscription to be claimed by user
This endpoint is called by Ruuvi Shop after payment for user subscription is verified. Parameters are in JSON object of body.
Name | Type | Description |
X-Shop-Secret* | String | Ruuvi Shop authentication secret |
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
validDays* | String | Validity of subscription, e.g. 365 |
maxClaims* | Number | Number of sensors user can Claim |
maxShares | Number | Number of shares user can have. Defaults to maxClaims * maxSharesPerSensor |
maxSharesPerSensor | Number | Number of times one sensor can be shared. Defaults to 10 |
maxHistoryDays* | Number | Number of days of history user is allowed to retrieve. This does not affect sensors shared to this user. |
maxResolutionMinutes* | Number | Best resolution user is allowed to retrieve. This does not affect sensors shared to this user. |
subscriptionName | String | Name of subscription. Defaults to "Ultimate" (custom) |
claimCode* | String | Code used to claim this subscription |
creatorId | String | String id for creator of code, e.g. webshop account which triggered code generation |
Freebase Cloud Messaging to iOS devices - Proposal 2023-02-08
FCM is used to deliver push notifications to user applications. To receive the notification, user must register their device token with a POST to
{ "notification":{
"body": $alertData,
"title":"Ruuvi $alertType alert: $name"
"title-loc-key": RUUVI_$alertType,
"title-loc-args": [$alertType, $triggertype],
"loc-key" : "RUUVI_$alertType_$triggerType",
"loc-args" : [ $name, $currentValue, $alertUnit, $thresholdValue, $alertUnit]
"name": $name,
"alertType": $alertType,
"triggerType": $triggertype,
"currentValue": $currentValue,
"thresholdValue": $thresholdValue,
"alertUnit": $alertUnit,
"alertData": $alertData
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
alertData | String | User-defined alert title. May be empty string |
alertType* | String | Physical quantity of alert, one of: {"Temperature", "Humidity", "Pressure", "Movement", "Voltage", "RSSI", "noData"} |
triggerType* | String | Type of violation, one of {"Over", "Under", "Different from"} |
name* | String | User-configured sensor name |
alertUnit* | String | Unit of alert, e.g. "C", "F", "K" |
currentValue* | String | Current value of alerting sensor, in alertUnit units |
thresholdValue* | String | Threshold value of alerting sensor, in alertUnit units |
token* | String | FCM Token of receiver |
sensor_id* | String | MAC Address of alerting senser |
email* | String | User email |
Last updated