Ruuvi Firmware 3.30.X

Lifecycle: Beta. Page updated 2021-03-25

Test checklist



How to test

Verified by

Tag stays in bootloader mode / begins DFU if application commanded tag into DFU mode.

Manually, enter configuration mode by "B" and command tag into bootloader with nRF Connect

Nikita / v3.30.3-RC1

Tag stays in bootloader mode if button "B" is pressed on boot.

Manually, hold down "B", press and release "R".

Nikita / v3.30.3-RC1

Tag initializes watchdog.

Check application initialization code

Nikita / v3.30.3-RC1

Tag turns RED LED on for self-test duration.

Manually, visual check


Tag runs self-tests to detect installed sensors.

Unit tests test_main.c test_app_sensor.c

Nikita / v3.30.3-RC1

Tag erases settings stored to flash file system and reboots if flash file system cannot be initialized.

Unit test main.c, drivers/rt_flash.c

Nikita / v3.30.3-RC1

Tag erases old log entries to prevent data with corrupted timestamps

Check app_log:app_log_init()

Nikita / v3.30.3-RC1

Tag turns GREEN LED on for one second if no errors were detected in self-test phase. Missing sensors are allowed.

Manually, visual check.

Nikita / v3.30.3-RC1

Tag advertises at 100 ms interval for 5 seconds at boot. Duplicate data is allowed, but every packet must be valid. Initial dataformat is RAWv2.

Unit test test_app_heartbeat.c. Check power profile manually.

Nikita / v3.30.3-RC1

Integration test

Integration tests are run on debug-variants of firmware. They print test results on RTT terminal as JSON. One nRF52 devkit is programmed with nus_throughput_sdapp.hex and rebooted before test. The devkit will connect to device under test to run the throughput values. RF signal quality is important for the throughput tests, so boards must not be touched d.uring the BLE throughput test. NFC test is run by copying the NFC tag back to itself with a reader app, for example NFC Tools.



Verified by

Library tests: p2p, rms, variance, ringbuffer


Nikita / v3.30.3-RC1

Peripheral tests: power, timer, scheduler, flash


Nikita / v3.30.3-RC1

Sensor tests: BME280, LIS2DH12


Nikita / v3.30.3-RC1

BLE tests: Advertising, GATT


Nikita / v3.30.3-RC1

GATT Throughput, 1 MBit / s

15 860 B / s

Nikita / v3.30.3-RC1

GATT Throughput, 2 MBit / s

22 234 B / s

Nikita / v3.30.3-RC1

NFC Test


Nikita / v3.30.3-RC1

* TMP117 has a race condition in single sample, nRF52 fails configuration integration test, LIS2DH12 fails interrupt test



How to test

Verified by

Short press enters configuration mode.

Press button "B", check that red led blinks and DFU service is available, serial number is readable over GATT.

Nikita / v3.30.3-RC1

Long press erases flash settings and logs, enters bootloader.

Hold button "B", check that tag enters bootloader. Try reading logs, check there's not a lot of elements if any.

Fail: Firmware not supported

Nikita / v3.30.3-RC1



How to test

Verified by

NFC read enables configuration until next GATT connection or timeout.

Apply a NFC field and enter bootloader via GATT. Check that bootloader service is disabled after timeout.

Nikita / v3.30.1-RC1

Tag broadcasts at 100 ms interval for 60 seconds or until connected by GATT

Check the power profile after NFC read, connect with GATT

Continues to broadcast at 100ms after GATT connection

NFC has 4 UTF-8 text fields: "ad", "id", "sw", "dt". Fields can be in any order.

Read the tag with e.g. NFC Tools

Nikita / v3.30.3-RC1

"ad" field has text "MAC: " and upper-case, ':' separated MAC address, as reported by BLE scanner.

Check "ad" field and compare to BLE scanner results.

Nikita / v3.30.3-RC1

"id" field has text "ID: " and upper-case, ':' separated unique identifier, 8 bytes.

Check "id" field, compare to serial number read over GATT.

Nikita / v3.30.3-RC1

"sw" field has text "SW: " and a firmware revision string.

Check "sw" field

Nikita / v3.30.3-RC1

"dt" field has binary content

Check "dt" field

Nikita / v3.30.1-RC1



How to test

Verified by

Data is sent at 1285 ms interval by default.

Check power profile for TX spikes.

Nikita / v3.30.3-RC1

Tag accepts GATT connection and starts pushing data through NUS TX characteristic notifications.

Connect to tag with nRF Connect, register to GATT notifications.

Nikita / v3.30.3-RC1

GATT server has Device Information Service with Manufacturer Name String, Model Number String Hardware Revision String and Firmware revision String. Serial Number String is not viewable unless configuration mode is on.

Connect to tag with nRF Connect, check fields manually.

Nikita / v3.30.3-RC1

Manufacturer Name String is "Ruuvi Innovations Ltd"


Nikita / v3.30.3-RC1

Model Number String is "RuuviTag B"


Nikita / v3.30.3-RC1

Serial Number String is viewable only in configuration mode and has the same ID as NFC scan.


Nikita / v3.30.3-RC1

Hardware revision string has text "Check PCB"


Nikita / v3.30.1-RC1

Firmware revision string has same version as NFC read


Nikita / v3.30.3-RC1

Environmental history log can be read by sending "0x3A 3A 11 TIMESTAMP 00000000" to NUS RX characteristic. Timestamp is current time in seconds after Unix epoch, 4 bytes.

Manually, or with Ruuvi Station sync graphs button. For the test a debug version of firmware should be used, tag must be running at least for 1 hour and there should be a data point each second for at least 1 hour. Entries do not have to be sorted by time, it is allowed to miss a sample roughly once per 10 seconds.

Otso / v3.30.0

Environmental log history will send only data that has timestamp after request

Sync once with Ruuvi Station, check there is data. Sync again, check there is less data loaded.

Sync Fails Nikita / v3.30.3-RC1

Tag continues broadcasting data while connected by GATT.

Connect with one device, scan with other. Manually. Note: Some scanners will not report advertisements from connected devices, so 2 scanners are required.

Nikita / v3.30.1-RC1

Firmware updates


How to test

Verified by

Firmware 2.5.9 can be updated with SDK_UPDATE package.

System tests in GitHub.

Nikita / v3.30.1-RC1

Firmware can enter bootloader after update and another 3.x firmware can be flashed.

System tests in GitHub

Note: requires manual test due to no mechanism to enter configuration mode without interaction. Nikita / v3.30.1-RC1

Power consumption

Power consumption is tested with Nordic Power Profiler kit at 2.4, 3.0 and 3.6 V voltages.



Verified by

Broadcasting, connectable

26 µA @ 3.6 V, 25 µA @ 3.0 V, 25 µA @ 2.4 V

Nikita / v3.30-RC6

24.5 µA @ 3.6 V, 26 µA @ 3.0 V, 28.1 µA @ 2.4 V

Nikita / v3.30-RC7

24.8 µA @ 3.6 V, 25.5 µA @ 3.0 V, 27.9 µA @ 2.4 V

Nikita / v3.30.1-RC1

Broadcasting, connected

34 µA @ 3.6 V, 34 µA @ 3.0 V, 40 µA @ 2.4 V

Nikita / v3.30-RC6

36.7 µA @ 3.6 V, 35.7 µA @ 3.0 V, 40.3 µA @ 2.4 V

Nikita / v3.30-RC7

34.3 µA @ 3.6 V, 35.8 µA @ 3.0 V, 41.7 µA @ 2.4 V

Nikita / v3.30.1-RC1

Transferring logs.

10 mA @ 3.6 V, 10.7 mA @ 3.0 V, 14.3 mA @ 2.4 V

Nikita / v3.30-RC6

9.6 mA @ 3.6 V, 10.9 mA @ 3.0 V, 15.5 mA @ 2.4 V

Nikita / v3.30-RC7

9.6 mA @ 3.6 V, 10.3 mA @ 3.0 V, 13.6 mA @ 2.4 V

Nikita / v3.30.1-RC1

Last updated